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Safety Topic [321]

Safety Info ID# Safety Topic / Subject Article Text
321 Spinal Cord Stimulation, SureScan MRI Version, Medtronic, Inc.

PrimeAdvanced SureScan MRI, Model 97702
RestoreUltra SureScan MRI, Model 91112
RestoreAdvanced SureScan MRI, Model 97713
RestoreSensor SureScan MRI, Model 97714

Important note: Each device ind

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Object Description Object Status Safety Topic / Subject

Neurostimulation System
PrimeAdvanced SureScan MRI, Model 97702
Spinal Cord Neurostimulator
Spinal Cord Stimulation System
PrimeAdvanced SureScan MRI, Model 97702
Medtronic, Inc.

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1.5 Conditional 5 More... Spinal Cord Stimulation, SureScan MRI Version, Medtronic, Inc. More...

Neurostimulation System
PrimeAdvanced SureScan MRI, Model 97702
Spinal Cord Stimulation System
Important Note: This device is a full-body eligible system if all specific MRI conditions and device requ

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Conditional 5 More... Spinal Cord Stimulation, SureScan MRI Version, Medtronic, Inc. More...

Neurostimulation System
RestoreAdvanced SureScan MRI, Model 97713
Spinal Cord Neurostimulator
Spinal Cord Stimulation System
RestoreAdvanced SureScan MRI, Model 97713
Medtronic, Inc.

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1.5 Conditional 5 More... Spinal Cord Stimulation, SureScan MRI Version, Medtronic, Inc. More...

Neurostimulation System
RestoreAdvanced SureScan MRI, Model 97713
Spinal Cord Stimulation System
Important Note: This device is a full-body eligible system if all specific MRI conditions and device re

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1.5 Conditional 5 More... Spinal Cord Stimulation, SureScan MRI Version, Medtronic, Inc. More...

Neurostimulation System
RestoreSensor SureScan MRI, Model 97714
Spinal Cord Neurostimulator
Spinal Cord Stimulation System
RestoreSensor SureScan MRI, Model 97714
Medtronic, Inc.

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1.5 Conditional 5 More... Spinal Cord Stimulation, SureScan MRI Version, Medtronic, Inc. More...

Neurostimulation System
RestoreSensor SureScan MRI, Model 97714
Spinal Cord Stimulation System
Important Note: This device is a full-body eligible system if all specific MRI conditions and device requ

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1.5 Conditional 5 More... Spinal Cord Stimulation, SureScan MRI Version, Medtronic, Inc. More...

Neurostimulation System
RestoreUltra SureScan MRI, Model 97712
Spinal Cord Neurostimulator
Spinal Cord Stimulation System
RestoreUltra SureScan MRI, Model 97712
Medtronic, Inc.

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1.5 Conditional 5 More... Spinal Cord Stimulation, SureScan MRI Version, Medtronic, Inc. More...

Neurostimulation System
RestoreUltra SureScan MRI, Model 97712
Spinal Cord Stimulation System
Important Note: This device is a full-body eligible system if all specific MRI conditions and device requi

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1.5 Conditional 5 More... Spinal Cord Stimulation, SureScan MRI Version, Medtronic, Inc. More...

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