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Safety Topic [284]

Safety Info ID# Safety Topic / Subject Article Text
284 SJM Confirm, Implantable Cardiac Monitor, Models DM2100, DM2102, Implantable Cardiac Monitor (St. Jude Medical

St. Jude Medical (SJM) Confirm, Implantable Cardiac Monitor
St. Jude Medical

The SJM Confirm, Implantable Cardiac Monitor, Models DM2100, DM2102, Implantable Cardiac Monitor (St. Jude Medical) are MR

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Object Description Object Status Safety Topic / Subject

SJM Confirm
Models DM2100, DM2102
Implantable Cardiac Monitor
St. Jude Medical
Note: MRI labeling is different for the United States versus Outside of the United States; In US, whole body averaged SAR

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